Programs we are proud of
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Presentation from Paul Roden (GIZ-SDR)
Presentation by Paul Roden from (GIZ-SDR) part of the 4th Pre-Conference which took place on 16th June, 2021. The presentation … Continued

Presentation from Dubale Admasu (US-AID)
Presentation by Dubale Admasu from (US-AID) as part of the 4th Pre-Conference which took place on 16th June, 2021. The … Continued

Presentation from Mahlet Seifu (Mercy Corps)
Presentation from Mahlet Seifu of Mercy Corps as part of the 4th Pre-Conference which took place on 16th June, 2021. … Continued

Learning Note on Educational Institutionalization
Learning Note on Educational institutionalization of the Dry Valley Rehabilitation and Productive Use Approach (DVRPU), produced as part of the … Continued

Conference Banner Learning Event 28 April 2021
Conference Banner Learning Event 28 April 2021 on Educational institutionalization of the Dry Valley Rehabilitation and Productive Use Approach (DVRPU).

Opening Speech by Dr. Adem Bori (Samara University)
Opening Speech by Dr. Adem Bori of Samara University as part of the Learning Event which took place on 28 … Continued

Presentation from Gerben August van Ek (GIZ)
Presentation from Gerben August van Ek of GIZ on behalf of Dr. Elisabeth v/d Akker as part of the Learning … Continued

Presentation from Paul Roden (GIZ)
Presentation from Paul Roden of GIZ as part of the Learning Event which took place on 28 April 2021. The … Continued

Presentation from Dubale Admasu (US-AID)
Presentation from Dubale Admasu of US-AID, as part of the Learning Event which took place on 28 April 2021. The … Continued

Presentation from Dr. Eyasu Yazew (FBLN/Mekelle University)
Presentation from Dr. Eyasu Yazew of FBLN/Mekelle University, as part of the Learning Event which took place on 28th April … Continued