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There are also two separate pages specifically dedicated to Extension Materials:

A rainy day in Afar, Ethiopia (pictures)
A rainy day in Afar, Ethiopia Afar in Ethiopia is a special place. It is here where the oldest human … Continued

Dryland Agriculture and Pastoral, Agro-pastoral Research Strategy 2016-2030
Dryland Agriculture and Pastoral, Agro-pastoral Research Strategy 2016-2030, as developed by the Ethiopian Institure of Agricultural Research

The Use of Trees and Schrubs in Spate Irrigation Areas
The Use of Trees and Schrubs in Spate Irrigation Areas This practical note is prepared by Loes van der Pluijm … Continued

Remote sensing technology to capture distribution of prosopis for energy supply in Afar region, Ethiopia
Asnake Mekuriaw(PhD) and Dessie Assefa (PhD) Panafrica geoinformation service plc 30 September 2019 Semera, Ethiopia

Study on Production & Trade of Charcoal from Prosopis Juliflora
Study on Production & Trade of Charcoal from Prosopis Juliflora by Alawis Ahmed September 30, 2019 Afar, Semera

Management, control and utilization of Prosopis: Community experiences and approaches in Kenya
Management, control and utilization of Prosopis: Community experiences and approaches in Kenya By Choge, S. K Kenya Forestry Research Institute … Continued

Estimation of current distributions of Prosopis sp., land use changes, water use of Prosopis and its impacts in the Afar Region, Ethiopia
Estimation of current distributions of Prosopis sp., land use changes, water use of Prosopis and its impacts in the Afar … Continued

The Use of Trees and Schrubs in Spate Irrigation Areas
The Use of Trees and Schrubs in Spate Irrigation Areas This practical note is prepared by Loes van der Pluijm … Continued

Sustainable rangeland management in Sub-Saharan Africa
Sustainable rangeland management in Sub-Saharan Africa guidelines to good practice (WOCAT)

COUNTRY PROGRAMMING PAPER Consolidating the path to resilience and sustainability 2019-2024

Pastoral Area Resilience Activity (PARA) National Co-creation Workshop USAID
Pastoral Area Resilience Activity (PARA) National Co-creation Workshop USAID. Landscape Restoration and Livelihood Resilience through Dry Valley Rehabilitation and Productive … Continued

Landscape Restoration and Livelihood Resilience through Dry Valley Rehabilitation and Productive Use
Presentation by Dr. Elisabeth van den Akker on the Landscape Restoration and Livelihood Resilience through Dry Valley Rehabilitation and Productive … Continued
Declaration and programme of action
This document contains the Declaration and the Programme of Action, as developed and endorsed during the DREAM I conference, held … Continued