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There are also two separate pages specifically dedicated to Extension Materials:
Life in Afar and GIZ Interventions (pictures)
Life in Afar and GIZ Interventions
Predicting Desert Locust Breeding Grounds (Emily Kimathi, ICIPE) (Presentation)
Predicting Desert Locust Breeding Grounds (Emily Kimathi, ICIPE) Emily Kimathi from the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) … Continued
Predicting Desert Locust Breeding Grounds (Emily Kimathi, ICIPE) (Video)
Predicting Desert Locust Breeding Grounds (Emily Kimathi, ICIPE) Emily Kimathi from the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) … Continued
Looking for a bacteriophage based biopesticide (iGEM Team, TU Delft)
Looking for a bacteriophage based biopesticide (iGEM Team, TU Delft) A bacteriophage is a virus that infects and replicates within … Continued
Alternative Treatment of Gregarious Locusts (Manfred Hartbauer, University of Graz, Austria) (Video)
Alternative Treatment of Gregarious Locusts (Manfred Hartbauer, University of Graz, Austria) Desert Locusts are pests. An obvious response to desert … Continued
Alternative Treatment of Gregarious Locusts (Manfred Hartbauer, University of Graz, Austria) (Presentation)
Alternative Treatment of Gregarious Locusts (Manfred Hartbauer, University of Graz, Austria) Desert Locusts are pests. An obvious response to desert … Continued
Using Power of the Crowd to track Locusts (Demonstrating eLocust3) (David Hughes, Penn State Uni) (Video)
Using Power of the Crowd to track Locusts (Demonstrating eLocust3) (David Hughes, Penn State Uni) David Hughes from Pennsylvania State … Continued
Community based Surveillance (Matthew Cousins, OXFAM UK) (Video)
Community based Surveillance (Matthew Cousins, OXFAM UK) A key part of response to Locust outbreaks is tracking the swarms as … Continued
Community based Surveillance (Matthew Cousins, OXFAM UK) (Presentation)
Community based Surveillance (Matthew Cousins, OXFAM UK) A key part of response to Locust outbreaks is tracking the swarms as … Continued
Collecting Locusts for Poultry Feed (Mohammed Khurshid, Pakistan Ministry of National Food Security) (Video)
Collecting Locusts for Poultry Feed (Mohammed Khurshid, Pakistan Ministry of National Food Security) Pakistan was hit hard by the 2019-2020 … Continued
Collecting Locusts for Poultry Feed (Mohammed Khurshid, Pakistan Ministry of National Food Security) (Presentation)
Collecting Locusts for Poultry Feed (Mohammed Khurshid, Pakistan Ministry of National Food Security) Pakistan was hit hard by the 2019-2020 … Continued
Swarm Modelling (Kit Yates, University of Bath) (Video)
Swarm Modelling (Kit Yates, University of Bath) When we are talking about locusts as a problem, we are essentially talking … Continued
Swarm Modelling (Kit Yates, University of Bath) (Presentation)
Swarm Modelling (Kit Yates, University of Bath) When we are talking about locusts as a problem, we are essentially talking … Continued
Locust Outbreaks in East Africa and the Regional Desert Locust Alliance (Francecsa Sangiorgi, ACTED) (Video)
Francesca Sangiorgi (ACTED) provides a ground-level view of the devastation in the Greater Horn of Africa region following the 2019-2020 … Continued
Locust Outbreaks in East Africa and the Regional Desert Locust Alliance (Francecsa Sangiorgi, ACTED) (Presentation)
Locust Outbreaks in East Africa and the Regional Desert Locust Alliance (Francecsa Sangiorgi, ACTED) Francesca Sangiorgi (ACTED) provides a ground-level … Continued
TVETs trainings – Shape skills and job opportunities for dryland development in Ethiopia (video)
TVETs trainings – Shape skills and job opportunities for dryland development in Ethiopia Technical and Vocational Education and Training institutions … Continued
Building Pastoral Livelihoods in Afar
This video showcases FAO’s resilience works in Ethiopia’s Afar region in the last few years
GIZ Ethiopia: Your Partner in the Long Run
GIZ Ethiopia: Your Partner in the Long Run 2014 marks 50 years of development cooperation between Ethiopia and Germany. What … Continued
Horticulture Package, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Horticulture Package, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2017
Nursery Training Flyer 2021, Gewane Agricultural Vocational Educational Training College
Nursery Training Flyer 2021, Gewane Agricultural Vocational Educational Training College
SDR Story Map – Poster
SDR Story Map – Poster A ten year journey, Strengthening Drought Resilience (SDR)
Sorghum; use, storage and processing – Poster
Sorghum; use, storage and processing – Poster (23)
Pearl Millet; use, storage and processing – Poster
Pearl Millet; use, storage and processing – Poster (22b)
Pastoral Field Schools (FAO)
Pastoralist Field Schools Pastoralist Field Schools