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There are also two separate pages specifically dedicated to Extension Materials:

Banner of Learning Event – 9 March 2021
Banner for the Learning Event that took place on 9th March 2021

Presentation by Dr. Ali Ahmed Abdi (ACPA)
Presentation by Dr. Ali Ahmed Abdi from ACPA on Fodder Production Demonstration (Somali Region), as part of the Learning Event that … Continued

Presentation by Hussein Idris (APDA)
Presentation by Hussein Idris from APDA on Rangeland Reseeding, as part of the Learning Event that took place on 9th March … Continued

Presentation by Abarufa Jatani (helvetas)
Presentation by Abarufa Jatani from Helvetas on Participatory Rangeland Mapping, as part of the Learning Event that took place on 9th … Continued

Presentation by Jean Marc Pace (MetaMeta on behalf of Just Diggit)
Presentation by Jean Marc Pace from MetaMeta (on behalf of Just Diggit) on Fodder Grass Seedbanks in Kenya, as part … Continued

Presentation by Dr. Kevin Mganga (South Eastern Kenya University/MetaMeta)
Presentation by Dr. Kevin Mganga from South Eastern Kenya University/MetaMeta on Using Road Water for Fodder Production, as part of … Continued

Presentation by Bezauyehu G/Michael (GIZ-SDR)
Presentation by Bezauyehu G/Michael from GIZ-SDR on TREE project success story and Lessons Learnt, as part of the Learning Event … Continued

Presentation by Allah Bakhsh (FBLN Pakistan)
Presentation by Allah Bakhsh from FBLN Pakistan on Symbiotic Fodder Farming Nexus in Flood Irrigated Areas in Pakistan, as part … Continued

Presentation by Dr. Tobias Feldt and Dr. Ilse Köhler Rollefson (GIZ and League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development)
Presentation by Dr. Tobias Feldt and Dr. Ilse Köhler Rollefson from GIZ and League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock … Continued

Presentation by Ato Seid Omer (Ministry of Peace)
Presentation by Ato Seid Omer of the Ministry of Peace, as part of the DREAM II Pre-Conference 3 that took … Continued

ASRP programme information
The Afar Soil Rehabilitation Project (ASRP) is part of the Strengthening Drought Resilience in Arid and SemiArid Lowlands Programme (SDR-ASAL). … Continued
TREE programme information
TREE is a trilateral partnership between the Government of Ethiopia, the State of Israel and the German Government. It is … Continued
Declaration and programme of action
This document contains the Declaration and the Programme of Action, as developed and endorsed during the DREAM I conference, held … Continued

DREAM I programme of action.pdf
Program of Action developed and endorsed during the DREAM I conference (2019). The Program contains action plans for five thematic … Continued