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There are also two separate pages specifically dedicated to Extension Materials:

How to control gullies, a case from Jigjiga
A gully is a channel resulting from erosion and caused by concentrated but intermittent flow of water, usually during and … Continued

GIZ Ethiopia: Your Partner in the Long Run
GIZ Ethiopia: Your Partner in the Long Run 2014 marks 50 years of development cooperation between Ethiopia and Germany. What … Continued

GIZ: Masons by Profession. 2016
GIZ: Masons by Profession. 2016 Former pastoralists are trained in masonary to construct and maintain water spreading weirs (WSW). WSWs … Continued

GIZ: We Were the People of Milk and Butter. 2016
Water Spreading Weirs use floods to rehabilitate degraded landscapes and riverbeds. Combined with drystone measures like small dams and retention … Continued

GIZ: Saving Afar Soils. 2016
Drystone measures like small dams and retention walls control and reverse erosion in heavily degraded landscapes in Afar, Ethiopia. Combined … Continued

GIZ: Stone upon Stone: Water Spreading Weirs for Pastoralists. 2016
GIZ: Stone upon Stone: Water Spreading Weirs for Pastoralists. 2016. Water Spreading Weirs use floods to rehabilitate degraded landscapes and … Continued

Dryland Agriculture and Pastoral, Agro-pastoral Research Strategy 2016-2030
Dryland Agriculture and Pastoral, Agro-pastoral Research Strategy 2016-2030, as developed by the Ethiopian Institure of Agricultural Research

Horticulture Package, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Horticulture Package, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2017

Nursery Training Flyer 2021, Gewane Agricultural Vocational Educational Training College
Nursery Training Flyer 2021, Gewane Agricultural Vocational Educational Training College

Mason Training Flyer 2021, Gode Polytechnic College, Somali Regional State
Mason Training Flyer 2021, Gode Polytechnic College, Somali Regional State

Mason Training Flyer 2021, Adadale Poly Technic College
Mason Training Flyer 2021, Adadale Poly Technic College

DSM Training Flyer 2021, Gewane Agricultural Vocational Educational Training College
DSM Training Flyer 2021, Gewane Agricultural Vocational Educational Training College

SDR Story Map – Poster
SDR Story Map – Poster A ten year journey, Strengthening Drought Resilience (SDR)

Pearl Millet; use, storage and processing – Poster
Pearl Millet; use, storage and processing – Poster (22b)

Steps to maintain the Water Spreading Weirs Poster
Steps to maintain the Water Spreading Weirs Poster (05.2b)

Options to utilize the water behind the WSWs Poster
Options to utilize the water behind the WSWs Poster (05.2a)

Ten Year Vision Poster
Ten Year Vision Poster, How the landscape will transform after the the implementation, right use and maintenance of the Water … Continued

Dry Stone Measures – Flipbook
Dry Stone Measures – Flipbook, Good practices for utilizing and maintaining DSMs for increased resilience in Afar and Somali region … Continued

Water Spreading Weir, Do’s and Don’ts Poster – Part C
Water Spreading Weir, Do’s and Don’ts Poster – Part C (05.3c)

Water Spreading Weir, Do’s and Don’ts Poster – Part B
Water Spreading Weir, Do’s and Don’ts Poster – Part B (05.3b)