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There are also two separate pages specifically dedicated to Extension Materials:

Declaration DREAM II Conference
Declaration developed and adopted during the DREAM II Conference in Adama, Ethiopia and signed on 17th March 2022.

Presentation by Gewane AVET College
Presentation on TVET vocational Training in short term program by Gewane AVET College. The presentation was held during the DREAM … Continued

Presentation by Adadale TVET
Presentation on TVET vocational Training in short term program on Basic Mason Training (BMT) ASAL Areas by Adadale Poly Technic … Continued

Presentation by Abdu Hassan (Deputy Bureau Head TVETs) (Amharic)
Creating employment opportunities with capacity building. Presentation by Abdu Hassan (Deputy Bureau Head TVETs) (Amharic) Part of DREAM II Conference, … Continued

Presentation by Abdu Hassan (Deputy Bureau Head TVETs) (English)
Creating employment opportunities with capacity building. Presentation by Abdu Hassan (Deputy Bureau Head TVETs) (English) Part of DREAM II Conference, … Continued

Presentation by Dr. Elias Abdullahi (Jigjiga University)
Capacity Building matters in many ways. Presentation by Dr. Elias Abdullahi, Vice-President of Jigjiga University, as part of the DREAM … Continued

Presentation by Assefa Kumsa – Recap of day 2 DREAM II
Coordination, Cooperatin and Capacitation in Lowland Development: Addressing the Challenges Summary of Day Two by Assefa Kumssa on 17th March … Continued

Presentation on Productive Safety Net Program (Ministry of Agriculture)
Cooperation and coordination: reflections on the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP 5) Governance Structure by Representatives of the Ministry of … Continued

Presentation by Dubale Admasu (US-AID)
Coordination, Cooperation and Capacitation for Resilience Building Workshop. Lessons from USAID and way forward. Presentation by Dubale Admasu (US-AID) as … Continued

Presentation by Kenea Feyisa (PHD) (FPCU)
Cooperation and coordination: LLRP, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands Lowlands Livelihood Resilience Project (LLRP) By Kenea Feyisa (PhD), FPCU-M&E Senior … Continued

Presentation by Fatou Jah (IOM)
Cooperation and coordination: Durable Solution Working Group Somali Region and federal level Presentation by Fatou Jah of IOM as part … Continued

Presentation by Assefa Kumssa – DREAM II – Recap of Day 1
Coordination, Cooperatin and Capacitation in Lowland Development: Addressing the Challenges. Summary – Day One of DREAM II Conference by Assefa … Continued

Mindmap developed during DREAM II
Mindmap developed during DREAM II, with an overview of existing coordination structures in the lowland regions of Ethiopia. A categorization … Continued

Presentation by Dr. Alena Sander
The challenges of a complex development stakeholders landscape in Ethiopia. Do too many cooks really spoil the broth Presentation by … Continued

Presentation by Dr. Abdulkadir Iman
The Need for Coordination and Cooperation: the Case of Gully Control near Jigjiga Town Presentation by Dr. Abdulkadir Iman on … Continued

Honest reflection: where are we with the follow-up of DREAM 1? (Presentation)
A Honest reflection: Where are we with the follow-up of DREAM I: what happened to the 6 working groups? Presentation … Continued

Expectations and introduction to DREAM II
Expectations and introduction to DREAM II conference by Dr. Elisabeth v/d Akker

Joint Declaration of Commitment DREAM II
Joint Declaration of Commitment Development of Resilience Empowering Alternative Measures for Ethiopian Lowlands From the national DREAM Il Conference, Adama, … Continued

Program DREAM II Conference (15 – 18 March 2022)
Program DREAM II Conference (15 – 18 March 2022) The detailed program can be downloaded here.